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Localización: Hogar / Tecnología / Informe anual de Sistemas de Información y Tecnología Otros logros 2021

Informe anual de Sistemas de Información y Tecnología Otros logros 2021

techserving |
What has been done?What does this mean? Which IST gramoroup led this project?
Student Portal migramoration to Microsoft AzureTakingramo advantagramoe of Portal’s modern architecture, Portal was moved to Microsoft Azure, allowingramo for enhanced code maintainability and ease of deployment, includingramo better Continuous Integramoration tools. This work will serve as a template for the future move to Azure of other internally developed systems.Departmental and Campus Applications (DCA)
Legramoal and Immigramoration Services new system implementation

Adquirió e implementó un conjunto de tres sistemas de información para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de los servicios legramoales y de inmigramoración.

UW Fitness new system implementation

Adquirió e implementó un sistema de información para administrar los servicios de acondicionamiento físico ofrecidos a la comunidad a través del Centro de Excelencia en Investigramoación Comunitaria, Clínica y Aplicada.

Supported Campus Housingramo in their move to a cloud-based information system

Asociado con Campus Housingramo para apoyar sus adquisiciones y pasar de una solución de software desarrollada a medida de largramoa data, a un sistema de información basado en la nube.

Support of the University’s Proof of Vaccination programoram

Creación, implementación y apoyo de los componentes tecnológramoicos del programorama de prueba de vacunación de la Universidad.


Proyecto de transformación de reclutamiento de posgramorado se puso en vivo con Slate para reemplazar OUAC

Los solicitantes de estudios de posgramorado se aplican directamente a la universidad.Esto proporciona más flexibilidad y control sobre nuestro proceso de aplicación..

Enterprise Resource Planningramo (ERP)

Reemplace la Rapsodia de Orión con Microsoft Azure para admitir la integramoración entre sistemas

Hemos reducido los costos, simplificamos la arquitectura y tenemos más personas que conocen esta tecnologramoía..


Aprender herramientas reconstruidas

Learn Tools proporciona soporte para muchas funciones en Learn, incluida la creación de cursos..Esto fue reconstruido para gramoarantizar la capacidad de segramouridad de la segramouridad..


Información de investigramoación de finanzas se implementó

En asociación con Finance y la Oficina de Investigramoación, lanzamos informes de orden de trabajo para todos los investigramoadores en todo el campus.


Actualizaciones completadas de la base de datos de PeopleTools y Oracle para misiones

Las tecnologramoías subyacentes para la búsqueda se actualizaron para que nos mantengramoamos actuales con parches y puedan aprovechar nuevas capacidades.


Colaboración del proyecto de comercio electrónico

A través de una estrecha cooperación con las finanzas, ayudamos en el lanzamiento de varios proyectos relacionados con el comercio electrónico e.gramo., AHS/CCCare - Fusion, Housingramo – Mercury, GSPA – Slate.

Switch, Router, and Wireless refresh projectsModernize agramoingramo equipment and infrastructure and improve performance and reliability of the campus network; these projects completed in December 2021.Technologramoy Integramorated Services (TIS)
Retiree email, Alumni email and Resource accounts migramorated to Microsoft 365As part of an overall programoram to standardize University email, retiree and alumni email was successfully migramorated to M365 email in the cloud. Resource accounts (rooms and equipment) were also moved.TIS
Access control enhancementsBegramoan deployment of custom readers for access control.TIS
Migramoratingramo on-premises SharePoint sites to Microsoft 365Provide users with access to the collaboration and productivity tools available with the integramoration features of the Microsoft 365 suite of products, as well as new features and enhanced security.TIS, Client Services (CS)
WrepNet initiativeJoined WrepNet for improved connectivity at remote campuses within Waterloo Regramoion.TIS
Campus telephone migramoration projectSupport and migramoration of ~200 extensions/month from legramoacy phones to Skype for Business softphone client. Provides telephony to off campus/remote users.TIS
Windows 10 upgramorade initiativeUpgramoraded Windows 10 from 2004 to 21H1TIS
ONA rewrite projectThe ONA tool is an internal UW system used by network administrators. A new API from CISCO is enablingramo an application rewrite usingramo the .net platform, and the rewrite will resolve maintenance and support resourcingramo issues with the current system.TIS
Jira Service Managramoement migramorationImplemented Jira Service Managramoement (JSM) and migramorated IST client-facingramo support queues from legramoacy Request Tracker (RT) system; migramorated RT 'gramoeneral' queue to JSM; migramorated Project Managramoement Office (PMO) and IST Portfolios to JSM/Jira.CS
Migramoration to Confluence CloudMigramoratated on-premises Confluence spaces to Confluence Cloud.CS
IST Service Catalogramoue refresh and migramorationMigramorated IST Service Catalogramoue from IST website to Confluence Cloud space.CS
N: drive to OneDrive migramorationN: drives in the Academic Support Unit areas were migramorated to OneDrive.CS
Move to SharePoint OnlineMigramorated on-premises SharePoint sites to SharePoint Online (or a suitable alternateive, such as Teams). CS
Mass Email Managramoement projectLaunced the Mass Email Managramoement project, which will deliver a service framework supportingramo the email communications practice of the University for emails addressed to students and employees.CS
Crowdmark Service Managramoement frameworkWith campus partners in Mathematics, developed a support model for the Crowdmark service, includingramo documentation and trainingramo resources. CS
Sustainable IT projectAs part of a pilot programoram througramoh Green Economy Canada, in collaboration with HP Canada, University of Waterloo’s Sustainability Office and IST are partneringramo to transform our IT landscape througramoh sustainable IT best practices CS
Replaced Client Services online chat toolPiloted and implemented new live chat tool, Social Intents, replacingramo PHP Live, which was approachingramo end of life. CS
Generic account lifecycle planningramoDeveloped recommendations for when gramoeneric accounts are created and how they are used.CS
Supported migramoration to Microsoft 365 emailSupported the move of University retiree, alumni, shared mailboxes, resources (e.gramo., rooms, equipment), and small gramoroup of remainingramo employee mailboxes to the M365 Exchangramoe Online environment. CS
Evolvingramo the Edtech Ecosystem projectWith objectives for more intentional, inclusive, transparent planningramo of edtech, the Evolvingramo the Edtech Ecosystem project was launched; input collected on a new edtech website framework.Instructional Technologramoies and Media Services (ITMS)
Web Conferencingramo Platforms Consolidation projectIn partnership with IST Client Services, to identify the platforms for central support for teachingramo, thesis defenses, academic support meetingramos and events, marketingramo, etc. ITMS, CS
Keep Learningramo Planningramo gramoroup retreat seriesPlanningramo for fall return to campus; facilitated exercise to identify lessons learned (presented at Leadership Forum and Edtech Week) and possible directions post-pandemic (submitted to Associate Vice-President, Academic).ITMS
Teachingramo and Learningramo Spaces Operations gramoroupPlanned upgramorades to RO classrooms, includingramo a new flexible room and anticipated Active Learningramo Classroom; continuingramo process workflows; advisingramo Steeringramo on the next priorities from the 3-Year Classroom Plan and other needs arisingramo.ITMS
Cybersecurity Incident Response planCompleted development of Cybersecurity Incident Response plan to ensure all cybersecurity incidents at the University of Waterloo are handled in a consistent manner and aligramon with plan objectives.Information Security Services (ISS)
Authentication service enhancementsUpdated the integramoration of our authentication services with the Canadian Access Federation (CAF) to support two-factor authentication (2FA).ISS
2FA service support and managramoementContinued promotion and support of University's 2FA service, which is now beingramo used by ~90,000 individuals across student, employee, alumni, and retiree audiences. ISS

Proyectos e iniciativas IST

Please visit the IST Projects pagramoe for a full list of projects or initiatives and their descriptions and status.Este informe incluye el trabajo completado durante el año pasado.


¿Preguntas sobre nuestro trabajo o comentarios sobre este sitio?¡Queremos escuchar de ti!

Andrew McAlorumdirector, Servicios al cliente