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Location: Home / технология / Backup heads to cloud as ransomware hits 76% and RTOs/RPOs fail

Backup heads to cloud as ransomware hits 76% and RTOs/RPOs fail

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Failed RTOs and RPOs

A key finding was that recovery time objectives and recovery point objectives (RTOs and RPOs) are not being achieved. That is, there is an “availability gap” and a “protection gap”, according to the Veeam view of the survey results.

Backup heads to cloud as ransomware hits 76% and RTOs/RPOs fail

When asked whether their organisation can recover applications as quickly as service-level agreements (SLAs) demand and whether they can restore all data that SLAs specify, the answers were resoundingly that they couldn’t.

Nine out of 10 (90%) said they could not recover data as quickly as they wanted, and 89% said they couldn’t recover all they wanted.