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Location: Home / технология / EVE Anywhere дава на Capsuleers гъвкавост с облачно базиран достъп от практически навсякъде

EVE Anywhere дава на Capsuleers гъвкавост с облачно базиран достъп от практически навсякъде

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Space will be accessible from any device that you can use a browser on, as EVE Online gets a new EVE Anywhere option as of today. CCP has launched the new cloud-based platform based on Intel technology, and this means remote access to the servers and play available where and when it’s convenient.

EVE Anywhere Gives Capsuleers Flexibility With Cloud-Based Access From Virtually Anywhere

Услугата наскоро беше в бета версия за потребителите на Omega акаунти, но вече е достъпна в САЩ и в много европейски територии по време на първоначалното си пускане. CCP ще го пусне в допълнителни територии тази година. Целта е да се позволи на играчите да имат достъп навсякъде, където могат. Бета, която се проведе на различни места в Европа, привлече повече от 11 000 потребители от миналия август за общо 86 000 изиграни сесии. CCP използва данни от играчи и обратна връзка, за да рационализира изживяването и да го подготви за пълномащабно стартиране и сега е тук.

In a press release announcing the EVE Anywhere launch, Creative Director Bergur Finnbogason said “We truly appreciate you Capsuleers who tried it out and shared invaluable feedback to help us improve the experience. Thanks to all of your help, we’re finally ready to get EVE Anywhere into your hands, no matter your browser preferences”. Those who are interested in trying out of anywhere, can play throughGoogle Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Safari,on any desktop or laptop as long as you have a 25MBps connection or higher.

If you’re in one of the supported territories, you can go over to EVEOnline.com and click “Launch EVE Online” when you’re logged into your account. This move to support cloud streaming helps those with different hardware to be able to access the game. CCP has been both modernizing and improving the experience in an attempt to make EVE Online welcoming to newer players and players with different setups. This is another effort in that modernization and opening up that’s also helping lead the game into its next decade.