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Location: Home / Technology / Drexel and Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Announce Dual Admissions Program Agreement

Drexel and Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Announce Dual Admissions Program Agreement

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Drexel University and Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology have formally signed an agreement that will allow students who graduate with an associate degree in Computer Systems Engineering Technology or Business Administration from Thaddeus Stevens College to move seamlessly into Drexel University to pursue a related undergraduate program at Drexel.

“This agreement provides Thaddeus Stevens College graduates a smooth pathway toward earning a bachelor degree in their field of study,” said Pedro Rivera, president of Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology. “Higher education is an instrument of change in the lives of our students and we are excited to partner with Drexel University to provide our students and alumni the opportunity to continue their education.”

Through dual admissions, students obtain guaranteed admission to Drexel, with institutional aid and admissions counseling, and will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computing and Security Technology or a Bachelor of Science in General Studies from Drexel upon completion of the 5-year program. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in the University’s renowned cooperative education (co-op) program that enables undergraduate students to balance classroom theory with practical, hands-on experience prior to graduation.

“We are delighted to partner with Thaddeus Stevens College and look forward to welcoming the inaugural participants of this program to Drexel,” said Anna Koulas, vice president of Drexel’s Solutions Institute. “This pathway to a Drexel education will best prepare these students for the workforce and their future careers.”

Drexel and Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Announce Dual Admissions Program Agreement

Scholarship and financial assistance will be available for students transferring to Drexel under this agreement based on need and/or merit.

Graduates of Thaddeus Stevens College’s two-year associate degree program will enter Drexel as a third-year student for completion of a bachelor’s degree. The next three years will be spent as a Drexel student taking courses toward completion of their major area of study. In years four and five, participants will complete their co-op experience, which will encourage them to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real work environments.

Students who are enrolled in Thaddeus Stevens College and intend to complete a Drexel bachelor’s degree in a Drexel full-time academic program, will need to complete a Thaddeus Stevens College-Drexel University dual admission form no later than the student’s final semester at Thaddeus Stevens College. Students must meet the specific admissions requirements at Drexel to be considered to enroll in the dual degree program.

The Drexel University/Thaddeus Stevens College dual admission program will also be available for Thaddeus Stevens College alumni within five years of completing their degree at Thaddeus Stevens College.

For more information on the program, visit here.

Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology is a nationally-recognized, fully accredited two-year residential technical college offering 24 high-wage majors focused on technology, advanced manufacturing and construction trades, and several short-term certificate programs. Founded in 1905 by bequest from the will of Thaddeus Stevens, a US Congressman, Pennsylvania attorney, and abolitionist, the Thaddeus Stevens College continues to provide no-cost education to eligible students, and is traditionally one of the lowest priced institutions in Pennsylvania for those who pay tuition.