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UMD Smith School launching tech management MBA and graduate certificate program

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The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business is launching a Tech Management MBA Specialty Elective Track and Graduate Certificate targeting managers in public and private sectors, the school announced Friday.

The program, a collaboration with UMD’s A. James Clark School of Engineering and School of Public Policy, is tailored to deliver multi-disciplinary skills modern leaders need to successfully identify and implement technology across their organizations and markets.

The 10-month graduate certificate program begins in August 2022. The certificate can be taken as a standalone credential or can be included in the school’s Flex MBA Program, counted as electives toward that 54-credit program. (A free online information session is set for Feb. 25 at noon. Register via https://go.umd.edu/qNX.)

The program is designed to broaden students’ strategic understanding of the new economics of innovation and data and how to quantify the lifespan value and risk of investments in new technology. The program will further explore both the legal and ethical implications of technology development or adoption.

UMD Smith School launching tech management MBA and graduate certificate program

From the start, Maryland Smith’s approach to developing the technology management curriculum has been to incorporate but also produce real-world outcomes for its students and partners.As an example, the Federal Lab Education Accelerator partnership will complement classroom learning as cohort teams work with lab professionals on actual market feasibility studies for the technology under development. A successful project could even lead to an opportunity for the students to license the new technology.

Applications for the program are currently open and will select students on a rolling basis. Currently enrolled Maryland Smith Flex MBA students may opt to replace their second-year electives with the technology management track courses to graduate with both their MBA and Graduate Certificate in Technology Management.

New students can earn just the certificate and choose to apply those 14 credits toward the Maryland Smith Flex MBA program at a later time.