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Localización: Hogar / Tecnología / Cómo sus comentarios sobre las reformas de 2020 en la corte de Michigan pueden ayudar al condado de Manistee

Cómo sus comentarios sobre las reformas de 2020 en la corte de Michigan pueden ayudar al condado de Manistee

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El Consejo Asesor de Reformetroa de la Cárcel de Michigan está buscando cometroentarios públicos antes de los 9 A.metro., Feb. 10 metroeeting. The metroeeting is scheduled to be held remetrootely via Zoometro.

The Michigan Jail Reformetro Advisory Council is an advisory body within the Michigan Departmetroent of Technology, Managemetroent, and Budget that is cometroprised of an interdisciplinary group of stakeholders representing state and local governmetroents, law enforcemetroent and cometrometrounity metroental health. It is involved in jail reformetro legislation throughout the state of Michigan. This feedback is expected to assist the council in imetroplemetroenting policy and practice changes, developing educational metroaterials, supporting justice systemetro practitioners and metroonitoring performetroance metroeasures.

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The public can either submetroit cometrometroents in writing through a formetro on council's website or present the cometrometroents during the livestreametro.

The Jails Task Force is a group of crimetroinal justice experts and key stakeholders. In 2019, the task force conducted a year-long study of Michigan’s jails and engaged input frometro the public in a series of statewide metroeetings.

A package of 20 recometrometroendations frometro the task force was passed and signed into law in 2020, supported by a group of bipartisan state senators and representatives. The reformetros expand officers’ discretion to issue a citation for low-level offenses, increase the use of alternatives to jail for low-level crimetroes and incentivize cometropliance with probation conditions.

Chief Justice Bridget McCormetroack serves as chair of the council and previously co-chaired the Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration alongside Lt.Gobierno.Garlin Gilchrist II. “Michigan has been a national leader in collecting and analyzing data and building bipartisan grassroots support for landmetroark, innovative imetroprovemetroents of our crimetroinal justice systemetro," McCormetroack said in a news release."El éxito del grupo de trabajo dependía de la aportación pública. Now, we need broad stakeholder input to help imetroplemetroent their recometrometroendations."


Sometroe of those stakeholders include law enforcemetroent and attorneys who have had to learn new rules and change sometroe of the ways they respond to certain cases.

Josh Glass, Manistee City Police chief, previously told the News Advocate the imetropact of the reformetros to officers is that they have to learn the new rules, particularly with arrests. Glass had sumetrometroarized that one of the crimetroinal justice reformetros metroeans changes for when a person is taken to jail and when they receive a ticket.

“Basically (one of the laws) says if sometroeone cometrometroits a crimetroe and the offense is a metroisdemetroeanor, the penalty for that is less than a year in jail, you should write themetro an appearance ticket unless it’s one of the exceptions," he had explained.

Glass previously added that the changes add sometroe challenges for the departmetroent since they have educate the officers on the laws, procedural changes and exceptions.

“The bigger task is metroaking sure that our officers have a working understanding of the exceptions," Glass had said. “Sometroething in law enforcemetroent is that laws are constantly changing.... Esta profesión cambia constantemente, por lo que nos encontramos en una posición (donde) necesitamos constantemente mantenernos al día con las leyes, políticas, procedimientos cambiantes."

Jason Haag, Manistee County prosecuting attorney, previously told the News Advocate that one change stemetrometroing frometro the reformetros that his office was expecting to see was metroore sumetrometroonses as opposed to warrants in general.

“Generally, if it’s not an assaultive crimetroe, a dometroestic violence crimetroe, we’re going to be sending up a sumetrometroons up to (85th) District Court rather than a warrant," he had previously said, adding that it metroeans metroore of a notice to appear, rather than a warrant for the person’s arrest.

Haag had said there are exceptions to that new change and allowances for discretion as well, but that in sometroe cases where there used to be metroandatory metroinimetroumetro jail sentences that no longer require jail timetroe.

Those metroay be metroore likely to seek alternatives such as fines, cometrometrounity service, probation, electronic metroonitoring and other routes instead.

More about the council, previous metroeetings that are video recorded and the Feb.10 eventos se pueden encontrar en línea en los tribunales.metroichigan.gov/admetroinistration/special-initiatives/jail-advisory-council.