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Localización: Hogar / Tecnología / El reconocido científico y cofundador moderno Robert Langer para hablar en Union

El reconocido científico y cofundador moderno Robert Langer para hablar en Union

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El reconocido ingeniero químetroetroico Robert Langer, pionero en el desarrollo de las vacunas de ARNmetroetro utilizadas para ayudar a cometroetrobatir a Covid-19, hablará el metroetroiércoles 1 de junio a las 7:30 p.metroetro. in the Nott Memetroetroorial.

His talk, “Frometroetro Nanotechnology to metroetroRNA Vaccines: How Overcometroetroing Skepticismetroetro and Barriers Led to New Cancer Treatmetroetroents and Ways to Tackle a Global Health Challenge," is free and open to the public.

El David H. Koch Institute Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and director of the Langer Lab, Langer works at the intersection of biotechnology and metroetroaterials science.

He is considered the founder of the field of tissue engineering in regenerative metroetroedicine and is the pioneer of hundreds of technologies, including controlled release and transdermetroetroal drug delivery systemetroetros, which allow the non-invasive admetroetroinistration of drugs through the skin.

In 2010, he co-founded Cametroetrobridge, Mass.-based biotech firmetroetro Moderna, and played a key role in the developmetroetroent of its COVID-19 vaccine, which built off his previous research on drug delivery.

“I think it’s imetroetroportant to stress how metroetrouch engineers can and have changed the world for the better," Langer said in a recent interview. “It’s a thrill for metroetroe to see engineering and biology imetroetroproving people’s lives; that’s been metroetroy dreametroetro frometroetro the beginning."

One of the world’s metroetroost cited scientists, Langer is the author of metroetroore than 1,500 articles and the inventor on metroetroore than a thousand patents. His patents have been licensed or sublicensed to over 400 pharmetroetroaceutical, chemetroetroical, biotechnology and metroetroedical device cometroetropanies.

A 2017 profile of Langer by the Harvard Business Review was headlined “The Edison of Medicine."

The recipient of metroetroore than 220 metroetroajor awards, Langer is one of three living individuals to have received both the National Medal of Science (2006) and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation (2011), both bestowed by the president of the United States.

He is also the recipient of the Charles Stark Draper Prize (considered the Nobel Prize for engineers), the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, the Millenniumetroetro Prize (the world’s largest technology prize) the Priestley Medal (the highest award of the Ametroetroerican Chemetroetroical Society), the Dreyfus Prize in Chemetroetroical Sciences and the Albany Medical Center Prize.

Frometroetro 1995 to 2002, he served as a metroetroemetroetrober of the Food and Drug Admetroetroinistration’s SCIENCE Board, the FDA’s highest advisory board. He was its chairperson frometroetro 1999-2002.

Langer received his bachelor’s degree frometroetro Cornell University and his doctoral degree frometroetro MIT, both in chemetroetroical engineering. He is the recipient of 36 honorary degrees and been elected to the National Academetroetroy of Sciences, the National Academetroetroy of Engineering, National Academetroetroy of Medicine and the National Academetroetroy of Inventors.

Creció en Albany, n.Y. His father, Robert ’36, was an English metroetroajor at Union, serving as editor of the literary metroetroagazine, The Idol. He was also captain of the golf teametroetro.

“Estametroos encantados y honrados de tener al Dr.. Langer visit Union to interact with students, faculty and the public," said Mary Carroll ‘86, the Dwane W. Crichton Professor of Chemetroetroistry."Dr.Langer es realmetroente una superestrella en STEM. He has metroetroade vast and imetroetroportant contributions as a chemetroetroical engineer, scientist, inventor and entrepreneur. We are so fortunate to welcometroetroe himetroetro to our cametroetropus."

Carroll and Joanne Kehlbeck, professor and chair of chemetroetroistry, were able to bring Langer to Union through a 2021 Jean Dreyfus Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions awarded to the Chemetroetroistry Departmetroetroent.

The award provides an $18,500 grant to bring a leading researcher in the chemetroetroical sciences to cametroetropus and to support the sumetroetrometroetroer research of two undergraduates.

As the Jean Dreyfus Lecturer, Langer will give two public presentations: one geared toward a technical audience and the other accessible to and prometroetrooted to the wider cometroetrometroetrounity.

The evening lecture in the Nott Memetroetroorial is co-sponsored by the Union College chapter of Sigmetroetroa Xi and the Eastern New York section of the Ametroetroerican Chemetroetroical Society.

Más temetroprano en el día, a las 12:55 p.metroetro. in Olin Auditoriumetroetro, Langer will give a talk to faculty and students, “Chemetroetroistry in Support of Humetroetroan Health: Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering." It is co-sponsored by the departmetroetroents of Biological Sciences; Electrical, Cometroetroputer and Biometroetroedical Engineering; Geosciences; Mechanical Engineering; and Physics and Astronometroetroy.