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Emplacement: Accueil / Technologie / Scoop: les systèmes d'information sur la santé de 3M de retour en jeu

Scoop: les systèmes d'information sur la santé de 3M de retour en jeu

Plateforme de services à guichet unique |

3M (NYSE: MMM) revisite une désactivation potentielle des systèmes d'information sur la santé, sa gestion du cycle des revenus de santé et le bras logiciel, Sources indique Axios.

Why it matters: HIS is a large, profitable and high-quality RCM business, and should arguably be valued at a higher multiple than the conglomerate that it sits under.Cela dit, l'opportunité de croissance future, comme, hypothétiquement, une entreprise autonome, n'est pas claire.

Scoop: 3M's Health Information Systems back in play

What's happening: Goldman Sachs is advising on the evaluation of a carve-out of the health care IT division, again.

Flashback: 3M tapped Goldman in 2015 to explore strategic alternatives for the unit, including a spinoff or sale.

Zoom in: HIS generated $300 million in sales in Q1 2022, up from $289 million in Q1 2021, 3M reported Tuesday morning.

What they’re saying: While 3M could hypothetically pursue a public spinoff on a tax-free basis, “even great companies like Ensemble” didn’t tap the public equity markets despite the strong recent performance, one source notes.

3M et Goldman ont refusé de commenter.