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How to reuse an old painting?

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Reuse an old painting

Reuse an old painting, peut on utiliser une vieille peinture,est une opération qu’il n’est pas toujours aisé à réaliser.Indeed, we all have old boxes of paint that we want to use again.However, we don't always know whether they are still good or not.Indeed, heat, cold or gel can irreparably damage the product.

Comment réutiliser une vieille peinture ?

It is therefore essential to store paint pots in a room away from intensive gels and too strong heat.We must always start by checking that the expiration date is still good.It is generally indicated on the manufacturer's label.When exceeded, it is necessary to control if the paint is still usable.

Reuse an old painting, peut être encore possible si elle ne dégage aucune odeur inhabituelle.Indeed, it is often a sign announcing that the painting is no longer good.Too thick skin should not also cover it.Nor should it be too dry if you want to dilute it in order to catch it.

Indeed, contact with air represents one of the greatest threats for a painting.It is important not to be in contact with the outside if you want to keep it correctly.The first thing to do is to get rid of the film of the surface that can form during storage.Then, the paint is vigorously agitates with a drill fitted with a mixer. S'il reste des grumeaux, on filtre la peinture avec un vieux bas en nylon.